What Is the Difference Between Feminine Energy and Feminism?

There’s a growing misconception regarding femininity that some men seem to latch onto as a means of absolving themselves of many masculine responsibilities.
In 1970, women gained popularity in the workforce, with 50% of single women and 40% of married women entering the labor force. There are multiple reasons for this gain, one of which was the increase in new technologies that contributed to a higher demand for clerical workers—positions increasingly taken on by women. Additionally, these jobs were cleaner and safer, posing no real threat to men who worked in more physically demanding and arduous roles.
So, what happened? Why are so many men now weaponizing a woman’s ability to work and earn money? By weaponizing, we mean they see this as a reason to no longer court women or marry young. This is not to say all men believe this, but a significant portion do, which is why we’re here today. From men calling women “big money” to asking for loans, money for food, and even assistance with rent, it’s clear that a shift has occurred.
Once women began entering the workforce in droves following The Great Depression, their husbands were not eclipsed; women were still expected to have short careers and were largely viewed as secondary earners, with their husbands’ careers taking precedence. Today, it is no different, but interestingly, it has become a topic of discussion for some men to justify their bare minimum behavior and lack of respect for women altogether.
Women who date with the intention to marry are well aware that one day they may have to birth children, and with these changes, certain decisions may be necessary—whether that means quitting their job to become a full-time stay-at-home wife or reentering the workforce to assist their partner financially. Either way, there is no guarantee that either scenario will transpire, and so both partners need to be prepared.
Men are aware of this, yet many gaslight women into believing that her income should be equal to or more important than his own. Work, take care of the husband and kids, take time for yourself, cook, clean, and maintain the home—this is not an uncommon expectation from many men today, often disguised as feminism.

Yes, men are human, and they have feelings and need just as much emotional support as women do. This is why, once the feminism movement began to take form, it seemed that men began to draw a sigh of relief. It was not enough that women had entered the workforce, because, like we’ve seen in films like ‘Fair Play,’ many women tend to outshine, outwork, and outsmart men in the office. However, it’s rare for these women to be recognized for their efforts because we still live in a patriarchal society.
Women are often used for their tenacity and intelligence to garner better results for their companies, yet they are not credited. The feminism movement is a belief in the political, economic, and cultural equality of women, with roots in the earliest eras of human civilization.
It came in waves—the first being the right to vote, the second focusing on equality and anti-discrimination, and the third, which started in the 1990s, as a backlash to the second wave’s perceived privileging of white, straight women. Women advocating for equal rights and equal pay meant that some men could take a backseat, hand the woman the hammer, have her do the work, and then take the credit for it later.
Additionally, this shift meant that more women would be subject to sexual assault at work and fearful of speaking up. It was all to the benefit of men: women working meant more taxes for the government, access to women outside of the home (at work), and women contributing financially in the home, which meant men would have more disposable income. Feminism has only grown since the 2010s, and now that we’re in 2024, we see that women have the opportunity to out earn men, while men have more access to women now than they ever have.

The rise of social media has brought with it a multitude of problems, one of the largest being the creation of new opportunities—opportunities for anyone to earn capital, access the opposite sex, cheat, brainwash adolescents, and create false identities that can lead to the spread of misinformation. As a result, we see podcasters telling women to be feminine yet independent, encouraging them to practice feminism while operating like women did in the 1930s—all to the benefit of men.
Feminine energy is not tangible; it isn’t something you hold or acquire from working a 40-hour work week. It’s energy, an aura. Feminine energy traits involve a dynamic and nurturing force characterized by qualities such as intuition, empathy, creativity, and receptiveness. It embodies the essence of connection, emotional intelligence, and the ability to adapt and flow with life’s changes.
Feminine energy is often associated with the power of compassion, deep inner strength, and the capacity to foster growth and healing in oneself and others. Unlike masculine energy, which is typically more action-oriented and linear, feminine energy thrives in the realms of collaboration, sensitivity, and the nurturing of relationships and environments. It is an essential balance to masculine energy, and when embraced, it contributes to a holistic and harmonious way of being.
Today, it seems that the true essence of feminine energy is lost on many women because we have YouTubers such as SheraSeven encouraging women to use men for their resources or other pseudo-dating coaches advising women to get paid to go on dates with men: having him foot the bill for the babysitter, buy the outfit, get your hair done, pay for the Uber, and get your nails done—all before the first date, where the man is then expected to spend over $200 on a meal for both of you simply to get to know one another.
Here’s the thing, that is not feminine energy, nor is it feminism; it’s foolishness. You are what you attract, and since feminine energy is just that, you are going to push away a real man who exudes masculine energy because your aura is off-putting and demanding. Where is the compassion? If empathy and understanding are traits associated with feminine energy, and your expectation is that a man—who is essentially a stranger to you—is obligated to pay for your hair, nails, outfit, and babysitter just for the chance to ask you 21 questions at a dinner table, then you are not in that loving energy and therefore cannot attract that back to you.
You are going to attract other men who are gold diggers, manipulative, and emotionally or mentally abusive. You are no better than a man who is low vibrational when your intended goal is to extort a stranger in exchange for your time, even when their companionship is something you seek. When we think of prostitutes, it makes sense for them to require a deposit or upfront payment for sexual services because sex is not what they want but rather something they need to do to make a living (given that they’ve chosen that profession).
If you and a potential partner are both acting upon your wants and not your need for companionship, why should the man be obligated to pay you for a conversation? The man’s only responsibility when looking to court and pursue a woman is to plan dates according to her interests and get to know her. This is how you can both decide if you’re compatible. Expecting anything from a stranger is asinine.

In closing, feminism is a movement that has allowed you the opportunity to earn a substantial living and be responsible for your livelihood, while feminine energy is the invitation for companionship into your energy/aura. Once you’ve mastered the ability to create a loving environment that you enjoy spending time in (i.e., your home, apartment) and have a peace that cannot be bought and a relationship with God, you will find it easier to attract men who share in that atmosphere. Men who cannot allow God to lead them cannot lead you or any other woman they come across.
"When you are confident in your energy, men will naturally be drawn to you. They will be attracted to the peace you've cultivated within yourself and view you as a safe haven—a place of solace and comfort that they will desire to protect and provide for. Your inner strength and tranquility create an irresistible aura, making you a magnet for those who appreciate and value true feminine energy." - Lisa K. Stephenson, Author of 'The Snows of Khione'.
by Danielle Wright