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What is Respect in a Relationship?

by Stephanie Elaine


Alexa! Play, 'Respect' by Aretha Franklin!

What is respect in a relationship? The definition of respect will differ from person to person but they equate to the same idea. Respect is the act of honoring a person enough to not do anything that would be classified as inappropriate or hurtful. Just like the meaning of respect, what classifies as acceptable in a relationship will vary from couple to couple. But certain universal classifications apply to any sort of ideology of what respect within a relationship would be.

Of all the characteristics, respectful should be at the top of your list. It is a simple adjective that we all should possess, but from day-to-day interactions where you come into contact with multiple people a day, you might beg to differ. Within society as a whole, there is a lack of kindness in our exchanges with strangers. We lose sight of being nice to others because we are so caught up with what’s going on in our personal life. The same can happen in your relationship—you forget to make an effort because you become accustomed, believing he/she will always be there. This kind of behavior can be detrimental to a relationship—whether romantic or platonic.


You may wonder how to show respect in a relationship but it is not a complicated concept.

Be Faithful:

To respect your partner, you must hold your relationship to high esteem. If you are guilty of having a wandering eye to other people you find attractive, that is an example of showing disrespect to your partner and relationship. Inappropriately texting someone or cheating on your boyfriend or girlfriend is a prime example of there being a lack of respect. If you cannot commit to your mate how can you say you have love for that person? It’s not possible to cheat and still care for someone!


White lies may seem harmless when rationalizing it but it is not something that should occur in your relationship. The truth is so important between a couple because if you can’t trust that person, your relationship will fail. Trust is another link between love and respect and it should be treated as a key element of a romantic pair.


Letting your partner know that you are going to be coming home an hour late due to extra work responsibilities or if you are going out with friends is an important aspect of a relationship. You are not single so you can’t just come and go as you please. You need to respect the other person’s feelings and you want to include them in your plans emotionally even if they aren’t physically invited.

Do not misconstrue communicating with controlling. Communication is the main element of a healthy relationship like letting your partner know you are spending the night out with friends. Controlling would be your partner not letting you go out with friends, which would also be an indication that there is a lack of trust in your relationship. Those two things are very different.

Communicating is also a way to express your emotions, which allows your partner to hear your feelings so they can understand what hurts you. If you can’t talk things out, you have to question the quality of the relationship. How do you feel like a team if you’re unable to speak your mind or even share your thoughts throughout your life together?

Avoid Being Selfish:

Selfishness can be a silent killer to relationships. You put yourself first so much that you lose the other person along the way. Putting your needs before your partner will cause problems between the two. Always making decisions that benefit solely you and not your lover will only bring more issues into your lives. You should let your partner feel included to show that they matter in this equation, even if it doesn’t directly affect them. You must keep your partner in mind when you make any plans, long or short term.


Be nice to one another. You don’t need to greet each other with hostility every time there is a bump in the road. Remember that the two of you are in whatever obstacle that may come your way together. Lashing out on your partner can mean that you look down at them, therefore, viewing them as someone that is below you. That can only mean there is a lack of respect and love in your cohabitation.


Respect is crucial for being in a happy and loving relationship. If you care about that special someone, respect should come naturally. The major keys to respect are to avoid lying at any capacity to your partner, communicate your feelings, your future goals, and if something is lacking in the relationship. If this is difficult for you, you and your significant other may just be incompatible.


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