How to Show a Man Your Feminine Side

To show a man your feminine side, you must first understand feminine energy.
Feminine energy has been discussed here on numerous occasions, so we encourage you to check out some of our other articles on the topic. This article is meant to teach independence and how it correlates to your feminine aura, so if you’re ready for that, keep on reading. Recently, there’s been a lot of talk online about the 4B movement and now, the Vegan Movement by She’s SINGLE Magazine.
Unlike the 4B movement, the Vegan Movement is not about abstaining from sex for the rest of your life or cutting off your hair in solidarity with women’s rights. Instead, it’s all about teaching women the importance of choosing better when it comes to a partner and how to go about doing so. When it comes to relationships, it’s easy for women to slip into a union that is not healthy for their personal or spiritual growth.
This is why, more often than not, you’ll see high school sweethearts take a break and then return to one another, or two lovers go from being separated for a decade to reuniting, getting married, and starting a family (Ahem, Ashanti and Nelly, I’m looking at you). The point is, women need time to find themselves and build their confidence to better show up in a relationship or marriage. The same goes for men—they have a period in their lives when their aim is simply to bed as many women as possible, have a rotation, and be a player until they find their passion and begin to actively pursue it.

Unfortunately, for women, the period between high school and completing an undergraduate degree is not openly discussed. It is during this time that women should remain single, focusing on their studies and goals in life. Once you’ve completed your degree, you should look for a career in which you can take what you’ve learned, apply it to your occupation, and grow within the organization. During this time, maybe after about a year or two, you can consider moving into your own place. This golden year will help shape you into the woman you’re going to be for the rest of your life, so pay attention.
Living independently before marriage and embracing a period of being single can be incredibly beneficial for women. This is a time of self-discovery: learning your needs in a personal relationship, setting boundaries, building emotional resilience and self-worth, exploring interests and passions, as well as preventing co-dependency.
Most of the women seeking advice on how to be feminine or listening to pseudo image and relationship coaches online are typically women who were male-centered at a young age. Once they got burned, played, or tossed aside—often left with children—they finally start living an independent life, which feels unfamiliar. Without doing much internal work, they “monkey-branch” to another partner and then another, only to keep receiving the same outcome.
At that point, the men are not to blame; it is you, the woman. Women need to take time to construct their lives the way they want them to go without anyone else’s input. What types of candles do you like? What color paint do you want for your bedroom? And so forth. The brain plays a pivotal role in discovering our passions and determining what resonates with us and what doesn’t. This process is complex and involves several interconnected brain functions and regions.
When we engage in activities that bring us joy and fulfillment, the brain’s reward system—primarily the nucleus accumbens—releases dopamine, a “feel-good” neurotransmitter. This positive feedback loop helps us recognize experiences that resonate with us and feel rewarding, guiding us toward activities and interests we might be passionate about. During this time, you want to align yourself with activities outside of someone else.
For example, a mother who finds joy only in being around her kids or when her husband comes home—while this is not bad—is at risk of unhealthy attachment, as her emotional happiness is now tied to someone else. This means if they were to change their behavior towards her, her happiness would be negatively affected. When you place this kind of pressure on yourself or on outside partners early on in your development, you can grow to resent them in later years or find yourself acting out and experiencing a mid-life crisis.
Most men go through this, which explains why they might splurge on a luxury car or start a relationship with their attractive assistant. It’s an attempt to heal that inner young adult who did not have a chance to experience these things. Feminine energy is all about your personal development and needs. When you know what you want in your life, you're less likely to expend energy on things that don’t align with it. Energy is felt and not seen; the more time you spend building your confidence by being decisive in your life, the more you’ll exude this sexy, commanding presence.

Resilience comes with feminine energy because your confidence will not allow you to be shaken at your core—as you age, you start to care less about what others think because, in adulthood, you start to experience isolation, and people who pay bills don’t have time to judge. Those who do aren’t paying bills. Adulthood is about finding your tribe, the people who share common interests, can divulge personal secrets, and eventually, that tribe will include a special partner. Relationships are built, and confident women are aware of this.
Men can sense a weak woman coming from a mile away—a woman who likely still lives at home with her parents, lacks real independence, does not make life-altering decisions for herself, or is not financially responsible. It’s not uncommon for these women to be preyed upon by men who are either in a mid-life crisis, looking to hook up with numerous women to check off that experience, or simply by men with very low self-esteem.
A man can feel your feminine aura, and he’s going to feel it once you enter a room with confidence. A great example of this is in the film A Thin Line Between Love and Hate, when Brandi Webb (played by Lynn Whitfield) enters a club after being invited by the promoter, Darnell Wright (played by Martin Lawrence). In the scene where she enters and he spots her, she’s wearing a white dress that flows effortlessly around her. She captures his attention almost immediately in a room full of people—she stood out.
Throughout the film, we learn that Brandi is very successful and a little crazy…but as many Reddit forums have pointed out, justice for Brandi! Either way, that scene perfectly embodies how to show a man your feminine side by just entering his stratosphere. Once you’re in his life, the only thing you need to do is be decisive, smile, be fun, speak in a low and caring tone, and leave or go silent whenever he does or says anything that doesn’t align with the woman you’ve built yourself up to be. Have standards, and don’t bend to his will. Showing a man your feminine side means leading with more action and fewer words.
by Danielle Wright