How To Make Your Wife Feel Beautiful

In a world where you can be anything, you decide to be the man or woman interested in learning new ways to make your wife feel beautiful. If no one has told you today, you’re appreciated. Whilst scrolling through TikTok I came across a very interesting post, an African American man interviewing what appeared to be a Caucasian man and his Latina Wife on the street.
The interviewer began questioning how much the gentleman spent on his wife’s wedding ring, why, and what she did to deserve that. The video has since gone viral due to this narrative that seems to be looming over the African American community where a majority of Black men seem to think that Black women, or all women for that matter, simply deserve nothing.
Not only is this concerning for the community overall, but the gender wars have since amplified, and for good reason. So, inquiring about how to make your wife feel beautiful is a major step in the right direction as it challenges the stigma that all men are useless and/or selfish towards women.
When researching for this article I came across a Reddit thread where men were genuinely asking for advice on how to make their woman smile more, gifts for when she’s feeling sad, and so on. The responses weren’t too great, mainly it was a bunch of men ‘following’ for answers versus receiving a sincere and thorough reply. So folks, here we are with the answers you seek.
Women are not one-size-fits-all because while we all share the same emotions from time to time, every one of us has different experiences and traumas that have shaped our personalities and character development. But make no mistake, when a woman is in love and wants better for her relationship she will voice her grievances in hopes for change.
It’s never the complaining you should worry about, it’s always her silence—whether she’s shut down due to insecurities or unhappiness. Typically, when a woman is feeling insecure from things such as having given birth recently, bloating, or an illness, she will be quick to retreat. Hiding the parts of her she is most ashamed of under dark or baggy clothes.
But do not fear, this is perfectly normal and many women can bounce back…with your help.
"A good wife is the one who makes you feel at home, no matter where you are."
This may sound easy enough but some men simply do not compliment their wives or girlfriends often. It may have occurred at the beginning of the relationship, but you have grown so complacent with her presence that it's stopped altogether. Women want to hear you say those words, “Honey, you look beautiful today. I love that yellow dress.” Or “Did you do something different with your hair? I like it, it fits you.”
You can even mention something specific about her jewelry. Tell her that a certain design goes well with her facial structure. The key here is to make sure the compliments land by providing specifics. Women are not stupid, if you say something generic then she’ll know you don’t mean it and are simply trying to butter her up for something you may ultimately want her to do or say.
Compliments that are natural and unexpected always make the biggest impact. If she’s feeling down, kiss her forehead and follow it up with a compliment. Not to mention bringing up something you can do to help her feel better.
"Behind every successful man is a loving and supportive wife who believes in him."
Planning and executing a successful date night is significant for your relationship and your wife’s self-esteem. However, this can sometimes backfire, especially if she’s feeling a bit overweight and none of her clothes fit the way she would like them to, but, there’s a solution. During this time you want to help your wife to focus on her accessories versus her clothing.
So, invite her to a nice dinner, but suggest that she wear a flowing gown or linen pants and an oversized top. Wives want to remain attractive to their husbands, so how you feel is always going to matter. If you make her feel comfortable sporting a classy but conservative look, she will be more inclined to head out with you.
To help move things further, take a minute to explore your wife’s closet to see what colors she enjoys wearing, and then visit places like Latico, Zara, and Shinola. Accessories can help boost a person’s mood tremendously. Take a look at the image below, you can see her look does not consist of tight-fitted clothing, however, she sports beautiful accessories and an eye-catching handbag.

Your wife may simply need some reassurance from you, her husband, that tight-fitted clothing isn’t everything to you. Additionally, you can go the extra mile by surprising her with one of these handbags from the Latico collection.
Their best sellers range from crossbody bags to wallets and shoulder bags. We surveyed over 100 wives via our newsletter and the results for which type of bag a woman would want her husband to surprise her with were as follows:
- Crossbody – 74%
- Shoulder – 12%
- Wallet – 13%
There you have it. But why a crossbody over the rest? Crossbody bags are versatile—they can be worn around the torso, over the shoulder, or simply as a handbag, and as a woman we all love convenience.

While for some men it can seem like a good idea to treat your wife to a trip to the salon or a spa day with friends, this can bring on some negative emotions. You should never make your wife feel like what she is currently doing or how she looks is a problem for you. Your job is to make her feel confident just as she is by allowing her to feel good about her insecurities, whatever they may be, whether transient or not. Adding to her look and complimenting her are just a few ways to make her feel beautiful, but the most important of them all is professing your love.
The idea that we will all grow old one day and have to watch as our beauty fades with time can feel daunting. The best kind of love is unconditional love which is based on one’s personality and character versus their looks. Your wife wants to hear how much you adore her for her imagination, kindness, thoughtfulness, attentiveness and anything else is merely a cherry on top.
But don’t forget that cherry…a nice bag will do.
by Danielle Wright