Confirmation From God On Who To Marry

Making the decision to marry someone is one of the most significant choices you will ever make in life. After all, this is a commitment that you are making for a lifetime. Therefore, it is essential to have confirmation from God that you are making the right choice.
When it comes to choosing a spouse, many people rely on their feelings or emotions. While it is natural to have feelings of attraction towards someone, emotions are not always an accurate gauge of whether someone is right for you. This is why it is crucial to seek guidance from God, who knows what is best for you. So how can you receive confirmation from God about who to marry? Here are some steps you can take:
PRAY AND SEEK GOD'S GUIDANCE - The first step to receiving confirmation from God is to pray and seek His guidance. Ask God to reveal His will for your life and to lead you in the direction that He has for you. Spend time in prayer, and be open to the guidance that God may provide.
READ THE BIBLE - The Bible is an excellent source of wisdom and guidance when it comes to making life decisions. Spend time reading scriptures and meditating on God's word. Look for passages that speak to the topic of marriage, and consider what they say about God's plan for a husband and wife.
PAY ATTENTION TO RED FLAGS - If you are considering someone for marriage, pay attention to any red flags that may arise. These could include warning signs such as a lack of honesty, trustworthiness, or integrity. If you feel uneasy about someone, this could be a sign that God is trying to steer you in a different direction.
LISTEN TO YOUR HEART - While emotions alone should not guide your decision, it is still important to listen to your heart. Do you feel a sense of peace and contentment when you think about spending your life with this person? Or do you have a sense of unease or anxiety? Pay attention to how you feel, and ask God to reveal what these emotions may mean.
WAIT FOR CONFIRMATION FROM GOD - Finally, be patient and wait for confirmation from God. This may come in the form of a clear sign or a sense of peace and contentment. It may also come through prayer, scripture, or the advice of trusted friends. Be open to how God may speak to you, and be willing to wait for His timing.

You are in a waiting season which means this is your time to focus on the Lord, your goals, and finding your peace. This is also the moment for you to self-reflect and learn how you can become a good woman, let alone a good wife. Do you have the qualities fit for marriage? If you believe so, that is good, but if God is keeping you single for a while longer then that is a sign that there is more that you can do for yourself.
Your Kingdom Spouse is on the other side of your obedience. Do you pray often? Do you read your Bible on days aside from Sundays? Do you show gratitude for all the things God has already done and will do? While you are waiting, take time to prepare some practical things for your future marriage. When you’ve done these things and have developed a relationship with yourself that you are proud of, the confirmation will come.
by Kyla Cruz