2024 Marketing Forecast: The Best Way to Promote Your Business

With over thirteen years of experience in the marketing field, it never ceases to amaze me how the industry continues to fluctuate. Today, businesses are finding it more challenging to keep their products in front of consumers.
Gone are the days when you would simply run an ad in the newspaper or your local magazine and be met with an influx of new and interested buyers. With inflation at an all-time high and the wage gap increasing, the question now becomes, how do we market to a generation that cannot afford anything outside of their basic needs?
The answer is, we don’t. I predict that in 2024 influencer marketing and ads from both Facebook and Google will slow down tremendously. You see, for the past 4 years, consumers have grown increasingly tired of ‘promoted’ and ‘sponsored’ material showing up on their newsfeeds and their data being sold to third-party companies.
Ad blockers have become increasingly popular and so users have either drifted away from particular social media channels—Instagram and Facebook in particular—to opt for some more lighthearted fun, TikTok.
While sponsored content can be found on TikTok it is not as excessive. Whereas, Instagram recently began showing sponsored posts on the pages of its users versus just their newsfeed. Now, if your Instagram page is public and someone takes a moment to peruse your content they will be met with a series of ads unbeknownst to you. Plus, the user is not compensated for this. So, now what?
Well, despite all this hoopla surrounding ads and marketing, one thing has remained consistent—blogging. Product placement into a blog will always outweigh the promotion you can find on any social media platform for several reasons:
- The blog will forever show up in search engines. As long as you’re in business and that link is healthy, new and returning customers will always find you. In comparison to a post on TikTok or Instagram that is only relevant to the users of the app. You are spending thousands only to limit yourself as a brand. The internet will always remain undefeated—even in the world of marketing. Articles from nine years ago will still rank on page 1 of search engines, whereas that TikTok or Instagram post will be obsolete.
- Recommendations from bloggers are authentic and more trustworthy. Readers know they are not being shoved a product down their throats, they are being offered valuable information that ties into a recommendation from the blogger.
- The reputation of a brand is not dependant on that of the blogger or website owner. For instance, if an influencer is caught up in a scandal, he/she may lose an enormous amount of their following in as little as a day, making your investment into their platform for the sake of your brand a complete waste of money and resources. A blog on the other hand is oftentimes not directly connected to a particular person—there is more longevity.
All in all, influencer marketing will be dead because the influence will be less indirect and therefore harder to sell. Product placement into articles via YouTube, blogs, and marketing agencies such as Branndet will make a comeback and will be preferable.
An example of a seamless brand placement and its results can be found below:

Instagram is slowly losing its appeal. With Instagram having so many rules (posting daily, editing in the app, etc.) this will push users further away from the app. Not to mention, due to the huge wage gap, the majority of the population is no longer interested in knowingly sponsoring the rich—making them richer.
This change means that large followings will no longer be the flex it once was and will be viewed as both toxic and cringe-worthy. Users want relatable, story-telling content as found below:
- What to Do When Your Ex Moves On
- Does Wearing a Wig Prevent Hair Growth?
- Housewarming Gift Ideas for Couples
It needs to be subtle, it needs to be as though they are being sold a product without the promotion. Branndet is a comprehensive full-service marketing agency. We provide product placement into articles across the web, backlink building, press and more.
Inserted into the above content are promotional items, but again, it does not come off as that. Instead, they are genuine recommendations for users to feel compelled to purchase because it is not being ‘sold’ to them. Get ahead of the scuffle and start looking into ways to grow and expand your brand now. Need help? Visit us today at branndet.com to schedule a free consult.
by Lisa K. Stephenson, Author, Relationship Coach & Public Relations Officer