How to Not Be Single: Wife Tips

What does it mean to be single? Being single generally means not being in a romantic relationship or partnership. It encompasses a variety of experiences and perspectives, often shaped by individual preferences, cultural contexts, and life circumstances.
Many women are choosing to be single—our default status—primarily because, even though they consider themselves to be wife material, a large number of men are not husband material. It baffles men that women want to be single, considering this is not a default for them—a man can go outside and ask ten women for their number, to which maybe three will give it to him. Women, on the other hand, have to wait to be approached, which means she can go out single and go home single; there is no change, and that is her norm.
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If a man wants a relationship, he can choose to be with one of the three women he’s successfully managed to impress. To most women, it would seem that:
You have to wait to be approached by a man.
You have to wait for a man to ask you to be his girlfriend.
You have to wait for a man to ask you to be his wife. Women have little to no control when it comes to changing their relationship status.
Thus, we usher in a world where women are okay with not being approached by men or courted. Women have come to learn that once a relationship is established, it is their responsibility to keep that man entertained and interested. When asked to share their thoughts on marriage, one tribe member said, “Being a wife is always having to be grateful for the bare minimum.” It would seem that men have more options than women, hence why they can easily do less but still expect more. The best way to combat this is to not be afraid to lose, so that you can always win.
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"You are the love story you’ve been waiting for—start treating yourself like the main character."
If you want to change your relationship status and be viewed as wife material, you first need to realize that where a man found you, he can find ten more like you. So, you have to be comfortable being single before you can be comfortable being married. Once you are capable of providing for yourself, sitting in your own energy, and feeling your best, you are essentially ten steps ahead of any other woman a man may meet. This helps you to stand out. But you have to be realistic and set your standards according to your proximity and appearance. Yes, this is true.
A woman went viral on TikTok for saying that her self-esteem takes a hit when she goes out and unattractive men approach her to ask for her number. Here’s the thing: those men are masculine and confident. Men who rely on group settings, double dates, or being approached first by women will often be in their feminine energy, but this is disguised as being shy. Confident men know what women want and are not afraid to give it to them—money and affection. Men who cannot provide do not approach; they wait for the woman to make the first move or rely heavily on dating apps where it’s easy to ghost a woman or get her to go 50/50 on a home date.
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WIFE TIP NUMBER 1: Attract Your Partner.
If you’re ever going to be someone’s wife, you have to position yourself to attract the right partner. In the case of the young lady above, she is attracting men who would probably be a good fit for a long-term partnership or marriage, but perhaps that is not her goal.
Women quarrel with men about their preferences, saying things like, “If you want a woman who is going to go 50/50, then just date those women. Why are you arguing with or trying to change the mind of a woman who wants a provider?” Well, women do this too when they seek out men who they have to chase and beg for a relationship. Why are you pursuing a man who is not interested in commitment and marriage, trying to change or trap him? Go where you are appreciated and focus on the men you are attracting.
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WIFE TIP NUMBER 2: Grow in Love.
As a woman in her twenties, I hated hearing my mother say this to me because I thought it was unfair. Men get to pursue women who are physically out of their league, date them, and show them off like a trophy wife, but women have to settle for the man who looks like he snuck onto earth. Interestingly enough, this is a trade-off and a very lucrative one.
You want to think about your future—there isn’t a single female billionaire who did not inherit her wealth from either a husband, late husband or her father. Do you want to be poor but have a handsome boyfriend who cheats, or do you want to be rich in the case that your medium-ugly husband cheats? You can either cry in the Honda or the Bentley.
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WIFE TIP NUMBER 3: Feminine Communication.
This is something I don’t hear talked about enough, but you have to know how to communicate with the man you want to be your husband. Contrary to popular belief, men respect respect. This is in every aspect: a woman who respects herself and her boundaries, a woman who respects him, a woman who respects her loved ones. What is respectful communication? It involves being clear, honest, and polite, avoiding language that is rude, aggressive, or judgmental. It is a way of expressing yourself and listening to others that shows respect for their feelings, opinions, and perspectives.
Using “I” statements is important and expressing gratitude. For example,
“Honey, I would love it if you could help me around the house more—between the kids and cleaning, I’m a bit tired.”
“Darling, when you have a moment, I would love it if you could stop and get me some flowers. I think it would light up my living room and help me to think about you more often.”
“I just want to say thank you for everything you do—providing and giving me the space to create. But I would honestly love it if we could spend some time together. I’ve been feeling a bit lonely lately.”
Express Appreciation. Compliment. Express Emotions. Express a Possible Solution (sometimes they’ll take it, sometimes not). Allow Him Space to Execute.
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WIFE TIP NUMBER 4: Leave When Inconvenienced.
If you’re not getting what you want from the relationship or the marriage, then set yourself up to walk away, but do it quietly and discreetly. When you’ve exhausted all of the options available to you and you’re still not satisfied, it’s okay to cut your losses. We only have one life to live, and you should not spend it fighting or begging someone to love you correctly. That is self-abuse. Additionally, you have to lay your standards on the table, for both yourself and your partner.
What are you looking for in a husband? What are you willing to provide to the relationship? You cannot sit around doing nothing. Women should take pride in managing themselves—gym, hair, nails, and fashion. Love yourself enough to know that the better you look, the more confident you will feel. Confident women are loved harder and better than women who ooze low self-esteem. Why should a man want to take care of you if you are not taking care of yourself? Confident women are not afraid to lose because for every setback, there is a major comeback!
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WIFE TIP NUMBER 5: Accountability and Self-Reflection.
Being an adult brat is not attractive. Feminine women know how to self-reflect, take accountability, and apologize like an adult. This does not make her weak or unlovable; in fact, this makes her an anomaly. Men treasure their prized possessions and things that are rare to them and their male counterparts. The ability to say, “My wife apologizes when she’s wrong…” will leave his friends speechless and jealous. This will make him treat you like the valuable woman you are. Accountability goes a long way!
by Danielle Wright