How to Become More Sexually Confident

There's nothing better than the energy of an empowered woman. The kind of woman that is grounded in confidence and oozing in self-esteem and awareness. You know the type of woman I'm talking about; we have all seen her: the girl who struts her stuff because she knows she looks fabulous in jeans and a tee. The same girl who glides across stages when she is runway ready. This girl is the woman who takes pleasure into her own hands and knows that it's as serious as running an empire.
However, the truth is, this girl doesn't always feel this way. There are days when she wakes up and nitpicks her appearance in the mirror. "If only I could lose this weight," or "If only I could look like this girl," are things she tells herself when she wakes up on days feeling anything but confident.
I've had these days, and I'm boldly assuming that you have too. We are human and are susceptible to human feelings, this is perfectly normal. So, on days like these, how can you access your inner Beyoncé and embrace your sexuality? Here are four ways to awaken your confidence and get you loving self-appreciation:
“Somewhere out there is another little freak who will love us and understand us and kiss our three heads and make it all better.”
I don't mean getting your girlfriends together and having a raunchy 'slumber party' like so many men fantasize about. I mean, go out and buy panties that you can feel good in. Lebo Grand said it best, "They call it lingerie. I call it sensual innovation." Panties are a woman's superpower.
They can make you feel sexy, invincible, and alive! When I'm feeling down and need a kick of self-appreciation, my go-to tool for an instant boost is panties! The best part about your superhero panties is that you get to decide what sexy feels like. There is a wide range of styles that you can choose from. Play around with what you like and choose the style that accentuates your inner naughty. Right now, I'm hooked on Loungewear. Click here to browse their selections.

Just like in Grey's Anatomy, dancing counts as self-help. It is the most delicious form of exercise there is. Why? Because if fun and carefree! You can do it anytime and anywhere! If you're feeling down, the best thing you can do is move. Good vibrations flow where energy goes. Dancing to one three-minute Olivia O'Brien song will take you from blah to fabulous, just like that!
Whether you're feeling stressed or down, helpless or hopeless, orgasming is the perfect medication. It will take you out of your head and into your body, making you feel euphoric and amorous. On days when I don't feel like my best self, I get out my handy dandy vibrator, and I make time for myself. When I do this, I ground myself again and start to feel sexy and confident.
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Who says you need someone else to ride out your fantasy with you? There is nobody who should find you sexier than you! The best way to get you loving yourself again is during a time when you're reminding yourself that you are a gorgeous human being, and you deserve nothing other than the absolute best.
We live in a time where more women feel a lot more anxious, stressed, confused, and self-doubt. There are too many things to take care of, too many people to take care of, and we often find ourselves trapped in our heads. The best way to get you feeling yourself again is to throw in some self-reflection practices and unleash your inner wild woman.
by Kayla McCullough