Taurus Man Behavior When He Likes You: What to Expect from the Bull!

Taurus Man Behavior When He Likes You: What to Expect from the Bull!

Summer is winding down and I went on so many dates and met some wonderful and not-so-wonderful men…but nothing worked out. Despite this, however, I realized that a Taurus man is just what I want. See now, I’ve done the Leo men, Sagittarius men and Gemini men, but something about the bull has me in a chokehold.

If you’re anything like me you’re so enamored by this fixed sign that you just have to learn more and that’s exactly what I did. See, Taurus men are, in my opinion, the most complicated of the zodiac, so when you get a chance to date one be prepared to do a whole lot of homework!

Taurus men can have any woman confused—he’s kind, a natural flirt, and friendly, so it’s easy for any woman to think he’s interested romantically, but what sets them apart is that once he’s decided to pursue you, he will fixate his energy on winning you. When I first met my Taurus I was going for my normal walk down 5th Avenue—window-shopping—after leaving a coffee house and having just finished my first editorial article for She’s SINGLE Magazine – super excited about that by the way, an amazing accomplishment.

But I digress. Anyhow, our eyes met and I sparked up some friendly conversation about his leather boots. It was 90 degrees outside and this man, no kidding had on a pair of leather boots and jeans with a tucked-in t-shirt. He won’t be winning the best-dressed award anytime soon. But my goodness was he handsome, quite the looker that one.

To my surprise, he chuckled and responded to my quirky attempt at flirting telling me he lives just a few blocks away and simply dragged on something to grab a bite to eat. He then asked for my number and said he would call me later that night—and low and behold, he did.

Most Taurus men are known to have a love for routine and stability and no doubt about it for several days he called at night around the same time. Initially, I did not think anything of it, just admired his level of consistency. He also texted during the day—not much of a texter though, just some little messages here and there to let me know I was on his mind.

Then he asked me out. Of course, I said yes! Surprisingly, we met up on our first date and he simply stared at me, with no compliments at all. Now, I know that may not mean anything to some, but usually, I get a compliment especially after spending hours getting ready and finding the perfect look. This man said nothing, immediately I thought, “Shit, I must look like shit. Is my makeup running?

I tried to subtly do a window check every time we passed something where I could see my reflection and then finally at the restaurant, I excused myself to the restroom just to double check, and nope, nothing. I looked great.

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Then it dawned on me, that I have to watch his actions. Taurus men are action-driven. You see unlike Leo men who have no problem showering their girl with praise, a Taurus man is all about showing! Some signs:

HE SMILES: If you’re around a Taurus man, and he likes you, his smile will light up, a lot.

TOUCHING: See, it was our first date, but I noticed something. He would make small attempts to tap my hand when he made a joke and he maintained strong eye contact. It was not overboard or giving off a lack of self-control. He was confident and made me feel extremely comfortable.

INVITES: Taurus men have their bubbles that they consider being their safe spots because Taurus men need security. If the Taurus man invites you to his bubble or his safe space, then he likes you and wants you to be part of his world. This was something I had to eventually learn because at one point my Taurus man invited me to his friend’s birthday party.

I found it strange at first, but I did go and we both enjoyed ourselves. It wasn’t your typical second date, but I figured, well, maybe he has his way of doing things. I think this is where most women can get confused when dating a Taurus man. He invited you to a party, or out for drinks with his friends as one of your three dates, don’t panic, he may not be trying to friend-zone you, just wanting you around his circle. This means he likes YOU!

LOYAL: This is an obvious sign that a guy likes you, but mainly a Taurus. He will not date or actively pursue anyone else! Now don’t get me wrong, this man is a big flirt, but it usually does not go past that. If he is only pursuing you then it is genuine.

PERSONAL QUESTIONS: My Taurus man was digging deep with the questions, at one point I got nervous. I felt like if I said the wrong thing he would dump me. But, I tried to keep cool and simply answered honestly. At first, I saw this as a red flag, which again, can be one of the things that makes Taurus men a bit hard to date.

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Someone may find a multitude of questions to be intrusive, but this man is a steady lover and does not just get into a relationship with just anybody, he wants to be sure that you’re the one. The questions made me feel a bit uneasy and at one point he needed directions and he had to use my phone. He held onto it and I panicked. I felt like he was going to see a text message from one of my friends responding to something I said about him.

But no worries, ladies, if your Taurus man does this it’s because he likes you and wants to begin building that trust. He has nothing to hide and would hope you don’t either.

GIFTS AND ATTENTION: This can be tricky because most Taurus men are very active and have a booming social life, but rest assured if he likes you he will make time to hang out, even if it’s a group gathering, your Taurus man is there. This man will also be the one to buy you chocolates, and flowers and give you attention regularly if he likes you.

PAYING: I saved this one for last because one thing about a Taurus man is that they’re cheap and think about money almost every second or every day. They are very hardworking and do not wish to spend their hard-earned money on just any girl. I can say without a shadow of a doubt that knowing just how picky this sign can be, it is flattering to know when he’s into you.

When it comes to his money, he will be quite generous with you –paying for dinners, movies and almost anything in general. If you find yourself getting asked favors or being asked to loan your Taurus man money, he is using you. If he’s willing to put his self-esteem aside to make you uncomfortable, then he does not care about you or pursue you any further than he already has.

There you have it, the key signs a Taurus man likes you. So, when you see the signs be sure to show your Taurus man loyalty and don’t be afraid to ask questions if you need clarity. Another huge plus about Taurus men is they are extremely blunt and honest.

Happy dating.

by Danielle Wright

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