Is It Harder to Lose Weight in Your 20's?

Is It Harder to Lose Weight in Your 20's

At the age of 25, men can begin to slow down. Their metabolism may not be as fast as it once was, and a body that was formerly seen as bulletproof can start to lose some luster. A healthy, well-rounded diet helps support us through every stage of our lives and is especially crucial for young men in their mid-twenties when it comes to building a strong, robust foundation for later years. By focusing on what you put into your body and the effect it has on your health and mindset, you can empower yourself to reach the heights you dream of achieving.

As the lives of most men in their 20s are likely busy and hectic at times, yours is no exception. Still, making time to prioritize a healthy breakfast every morning jumpstarts your metabolism and ensures you eat the appropriate amount of food throughout the day.

Alan Golik, a former group fitness instructor, says some of his favorite day-starters are “oatmeal with sliced fruit (apple cinnamon + bananas are incredible), a couple of bagels with [his] favorite shmear, some variation of a predominant egg meal, or even just a big bowl of cereal as a more last resort.” By having something in your system before you tackle your day, you’re fueling your body with what it needs to perform and function at its best—whether that's at work, at the gym, or simply showing up for yourself and working toward your goals.

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As Golik puts it, “Avocado toast is not a meal. Chips and salsa are not a meal.” Instead, he advocates for meals that will keep you full for at least three hours and incorporate two, if not three, of the food pyramid divisions. This could look like some combination of the meat + grains + vegetable groups, such as a grilled chicken breast with brown rice and asparagus.

Or, your breakfast might combine the dairy + fruit + grains groups with two slices of toast, yogurt, and a banana. Whatever way you choose to work the food groups into your daily diet and meals, the key is fueling yourself with the foods that give you energy and leave you feeling full, rather than the snacks that offer little nutritional value and leave you hungry thirty minutes later.

Your metabolism functions better when you aren’t feeling hungry for long stretches throughout the day. Although you don’t want to constantly be full, keeping yourself fueled all day long gives your body and mind the energy it needs to properly metabolize your food and conquer your day. Golik recommends fruits, veggie sticks, trail mix, and yogurt, or whatever you enjoy (provided you aren’t eating Doritos for all of your snacks).

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When it comes to hydration, a solid intake of water each day benefits you in more ways than you may imagine. Proper hydration improves your energy levels, brain function, can help you lose weight, and helps you think more clearly. If you struggle with drinking enough water throughout the day, Golik suggests setting reminders to help keep you on track. Once you’ve gotten into the habit of drinking water all day, every day, it will become second nature.

Every 25-year-old man is different, and it may take a lot of trial and error to figure out what diet works best for you. Still, understanding the types and quantities of foods you should eat along with when you should eat them is the best place to start. At the end of the day, it’s important to always keep in mind that what you put into your body is what fuels your body through your days, weeks, months, and years. Treat your somewhat young but still aging body the way it deserves to be treated by being mindful of what you put into it.

by Siobhan Quinn

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