Dating a Single Dad: Everything You Need to Know

With Father’s Day only a few short weeks away, we couldn’t help but shed some light on our single dads out there! Like any single parent – mom or dad – there can be challenges, but there are plenty of rewards. Dating a single dad can be a great experience, and if you’re in the dating pool, you will more than likely encounter one along the way. So, what do you do and how can you make this a memorable experience for both of you? Whether you’re a single mom or a woman with no children, we think this article will be great for you. Additionally, we’ve included some amazing gifts you can share with your beau any time of the year.
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Most single dads, when dating, are looking for a serious relationship. They want something stable as they seek a routine that includes both them and their child/children. It is unlikely that a single dad is only looking for a good time unless he is still involved with the mother of his kids. In this case, we will write a separate article on how to weed out those men. But for the most part, if they’re honest and genuine, a long-lasting relationship is on the menu.
In this scenario, you should understand that their children are a significant part of their lives, and thus, they will come with ‘baggage’. Where there are children, there are co-parents. A man looking to start a new relationship with you has, in some cases, moved on.

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Sure, they had children and were once romantically involved, but that does not mean she is a threat to you and your relationship. In cases like this, it is important to keep your insecurities and jealousy in check. Men expect the new woman in their life to feel a bit insecure because that is normal, but taking things overboard can be a huge turn-off.
Single fathers, like single mothers, have schedules to adhere to, and thus, plans may change—whether last minute or days ahead of time. Be understanding of this and cherish the moments you do spend together without questioning the times you don’t. Single parents have to work, indulge in their hobbies, and co-parent.
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Things can change at a moment's notice, and if they are a good and present parent, the world does not revolve around them. The child will come first, without a doubt, because they are dependent on him. As an added benefit, most single dads have acquired a great deal of wisdom and know what it takes to be aware of other people’s needs. You’ll probably find he’s very patient and understanding of your emotions.

One thing we hear a lot is that most men have a low emotional IQ. Another benefit to dating a single dad is that emotional intelligence is often more important than intellect. A good father has a special skill set of sensitivity and perception that enables him to read emotions easily. He’s probably attentive and self-aware. These high-value qualities are almost rare in single men. However, some single dads simply do not fit the bill, and we do not want you to think or believe that every single dad is a prize, because some simply aren’t.
A good father will most likely want to take things slow; appreciate him for this and take this time to get to know him. Listen keenly to what he says and how he presents himself. Do not be blinded by his looks or fall for sweet words; invest your emotions wisely.
by Danielle Wright